Dear Friend,

Each Sunday we begin our worship service with the words “you are welcome here,” and we mean it! Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church is a Christ-centered church family where we love and care for one another.

Our church was founded in 1963 to serve the rapidly growing Blue Springs community. Much like the pioneer spirit of our first pastor, a visionary evangelist, our faith is one that explores new dimensions, discovering God in new and unexpected ways, always looking forward. Together, we ask the eternal questions of how best to live our lives for God’s glory. We invite you to join us.

Finding the “right” church can be challenging. The right people, the right programs, the right feel; it’s all important. Yet, more than all these, the right church is a place where you can meet the risen Lord Jesus Christ and be nurtured, healed and inspired. Our prayer here at Chapel Hill is that our church family might be the right place for you to have such an encounter with Christ each week.

If you have any question about Chapel Hill, our services, our youth programs, our mission outreach, I hope you won’t hesitate to contact me or the church office.

May you be blessed as you seek God’s place for you!

With grace and peace,

-Rev. Andrew Florio


If you have a question or a prayer request, please feel free to contact us.